Tuesday, April 26, 2011

40 Day Fast Complete

Wow, what an experience fasting for 40 days has been. I fasted sweets and cokes for 40 days which may not seem like much to some of you; but for me, it was significant. I was giving up something to God for this 40 day period as a way of sacrificing and expressing my devotion to God. It was a great experience in multiple ways.

First of all, it was good for me to give up something that had unknowingly become an addiction. I was addicted to sweets. Every time I walked in my door at home, I immediately said to myself, "Hey Darren, you need something sweet like a cookie or some chocolate." And that's what I ate. And I loved it! But through this 40 days, God has curved that desire and given me a much greater sense of moderation regarding sweets.

Secondly, this experience drove me to regular prayer. Every time I wanted something sweet, I would try to remember to pray, which meant I was praying a lot! God became a greater focus for me while sweets were sacrificed.

Lastly, I learned some things about my health. Thankfully, I've not had to worry much about my health, but I have developed a new perspective regarding my temple which houses the Holy Spirit. Check this out: in the last week of my fasting, I began to realize I was pulling my belt a little tighter on my pants. I began thinking, "man, am I losing some weight?" Sure enough, while working out at LA Fitness, I stepped on the scale only to find I had lost 8 pounds!! I had no idea I could do that! I have never lost 8 lbs. But if I could lose 8 lbs. fasting sweets for 40 days, then imagine what other ways my body was improving in health.

God showed me far more about myself through this fast than I ever bargained for. It was a great experience that drew me close to God and has transformed the way I think about health and life. Thanks be to God.

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